Sport and Recreation Sector Discount

About this sector discount

We appreciate the important role people in the sport and recreation sector play in our communities. Accidents and injuries happen in sports and recreation and we know what an important role first aid training plays in providing safe sport environments. We would love to see most coaches, referees, and staff in gyms, clubs, and the professional sports sector to be first aid trained and therefore support the sector through cost-effective first aid training.

If you work or volunteer in the sport and recreation sector, for example, you are eligible for our Sport and Recreation Sector discount. The Sport and Recreation Sector discount applies to our Workplace First Aider course, which meets NZQA, WorkSafe, and Ministry of Education requirements for most industries and workplaces. We also offer cost effective First Aid Revalidation and private group course.

To find out more about our first aid courses, please view our course information. To find out more about how to organise a private group course, please view our group booking information.

First aid for the sport and recreation sector

Sport and Recreation sector pricing

If you are working in sport and recreation, for example as coach, referee, gym or club staff member, or in the professional sports sector, you are eligible for our Sport and Recreation sector discount.

Course fees and discounts for Sport and Recreation sector
  Workplace First Aider Revalidation First Aid
Standard course fee $225 $135
Less Sport and Recreation sector discount -$25  
Less early payment discount -$20 -$10
Course fee with all discounts $175 $125
If you would like to have NZQA credits registered, please note that there is an additional cost of $15 per person.

View course schedule and make a booking

To view our course schedule and make a booking please click the button below. By using this booking form you will receive our Sport and Recreation sector discount (pending eligibility confirmation). We will email you a confirmation with all the course details, including payment instructions.

You are not entering into any commitments by clicking the booking button until you submit your booking during the final step of the booking process.

Hear from our satisfied clients and learners

We received incredible feedback from Roger’s training session and our whānau here were absolutely blown away by his presentation, personality and professionalism. He has received such high praises and represents Practical Training Solutions beautifully.


It was really specific to my workplace and me. Thanks, you were a great trainer 😊


Great trainer yesterday. Much appreciated. I had a great time and learnt some new things. Love the gadgets like Arnie and the electronic CPR dummies.